Our Story

40 years shaping businesses with positive impact.

We are a team who is passionate about developing businesses with a unique proposition and a clear purpose.
We strive to make a positive impact on business, people and the planet through our work.
Between us, we have over 40 years of experience leading businesses successfully in multinational corporations and as entrepreneurs.


I spent the last 22 years at Nestlé in marketing & strategic positions in most regions of the world, from Europe to North America and from Asia to Africa.
My last tenure was Nestlé General Manager, overseeing operations across Middle East and North Africa for the Breakfast Cereals Unit.

I earned in 1997 my MBA from Burgundy School of Business (France) and also graduated from IMD School (Switzerland).
I started my career at United Biscuits France, where I was Product Manager (leading BN Brand) and Key Accounts Manager (in charge of Leclerc, Système U, Intermarché).

In 2001 I joined Nestlé France where I held Marketing Manager positions for 4 years in the Food Unit.
In 2005, as MAGGI Marketing Director for Nestlé Russian/CIS Region in Moscow, I drove double-digit growth with my team.
Back to Nestlé France in 2007 I was MAGGI Marketing Director for Nestlé France, actively contributing to gain market share and driving the sustainability agenda.
I was promoted, in 2012, to Frozen Category Lead at Nestlé global headoffice in Vevey (Switzerland).
In this role I built the long term strategy of this category and its implementation across Europe and North America.
Taking up a new challenge, I moved to Dubai in 2016, being Regional Marketing Director for Breakfast Cereals Unit at Nestlé in charge of Asia, Middle East and Africa,
accelerating the penetration of this category and enhancing profitability.

In my free time, I like gardening, playing golf with my son and riding with friends across Europe on my Harley Davidson motorbike.

Sara Mesquida

Nelson Mandela’s statement “It always seems impossible until it’s done” is the motto I grew up with and called upon throughout my personal and professional life as I made things happen despite the difficulties that were on my way. No wonder I was attracted to tackling challenging situations early in life and thrived on overcoming obstacles!

After a formative experience as a consultant at AT Kearney Paris, I was in charge of chocolate and coffee businesses at Kraft Foods France. Understanding the challenges in depth, committing to a vision for the business, having the courage to do things differently, building change as a team and knowing when to course-correct were at the heart of the transformation I was able to bring to life for these businesses.

The same ingredients were key for me to launch a handmade jewelry online business in 2012 in Switzerland (shopping through the internet wasn’t a thing back then) and to start a wellness company in Dubai, UAE in 2016.

Being laser-focused on the needs in the market, staying agile and knowing how to learn and improve along the way were additional skills I learned to foster. The day-to-day challenges of running a business kept me on my toes which equals for me to professional happiness.

I also became aware of the science behind climate change. In the desert, I was living daily 8 months out of 12 with its harsh consequences.
I felt inspired to join the global effort fighting climate change so I trained in sustainability (GHG Protocol carbon accounting, SBTi target setting, life cycle assessment, circular economy) and I continue to learn as knowledge and regulation keep evolving in the field.

I now look at business development through the lens of nature capital, planetary boundaries and social responsibility. I am deeply convinced that a sustainable business model is one that not only benefits the environment and society as a whole but also impacts the company’s finances, partnerships and culture positively.

Contact me if you’d like us to study how your business can thrive while nature and society do too.

“Treat the earth well. It was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children.” – Kenyan proverb


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